Hal and I found time for a game to test out some 80 point lists for the upcoming MidWar event at Pacificon. I built an infantry list using the 90th Light Afrika Rifle company so I could try out the 76.2 cm PaK36(r)s and Dianas. I also took captured 25 pounders, as those were in the division, and a pair of Panzer IVs to sub in as the unit's pair of StuG Ds. We played Free for All.
2 HQ 2x SMG
8 Rifle 4x MG34 1x 2.8cm ATR 1x HMG
8 Rifle 4x MG34 1x 2.8cm ATR 1x HMG
8 Rifle 4x MG34 1x 2.8cm ATR 1x HMG
15 ATG 3x 7.62 ATR
14 Artillery 4x 25 Pounder
10 Diana 3x Diana
12 Panzer 2x Panzer IV E
2 Scout 2x Sd Kfz 231
1 Brandenburgers card
Hal took an Italian armored list supported by 88mm AA and infantry.
I used my recon to push my deployment up a bit and gave my PaK 36(r)s some better shots. My infantry move to occupy the buildings, while the guns knock out a tank at long range. |
Unfortunately the Italian artillery ranged in on the first turn and immediately knocked one of the guns out. |
My PaKs lose to the artillery, and my armored cars are forced to try and slow down the Italian tanks, but they fail. They would immediately run for it. |
The infantry and their anti-tank rifles would need to hold, and they do! |
Support fire from the Dianas and several well-placed ATR shots would see the M14/41s all destroyed. Time to advance! |
My Panzer IVs aren't able to hold back a unit of Semoventes. |
They would advance and try to capture the objective. |
The formation commander's tank would hold long enough for the Semovente's to win out. |
I think I did pretty decent against a large force of light armor, though I learned that four Semoventes are better than two Panzer IVs! I also need to use my artillery earlier to disrupt opposing batteries.