A big thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. Anyone who donated Firestorm troops, brought terrain, helped set up tables and helped promote this. A big thanks to Nick for helping me run my first Flames of War event. We gave away over $600 of minis! This was also a free event! Some of the Firestorm Units we gave away:
The Prizes. The tanks are magnetized and removable for play.
Dave Ripperda, Best German General, received Michael Wittmann's Tiger IE. |
Russ Moore, Best British General, received Joe Ekins' Firefly Vc. |
Damon Di Denti, Best US General, received Oddball's Sherman from Kelly's Heroes. |
Pablo Meron, Best Sportsmanship, received this Kubelwagon Objective. |
Sarah Welsh, Dunkirk 'winner', received this Cromwell Objective. |
Josh Kegerreis, Best Presentation, received a $25 Gift Certificate from Secret Weapon and will also receive a vignette from Saving Private Ryan that I'm still working on. Josh's 1. SS Panzergrenadiers were awesome. |
Great pics Richard. Great armies, terrain, everything really: it looks like it was a fantastic event all round!
Thanks! I really was great, nearly everyone contributed with either terrain or donated minis, was a group effort for sure. I hope to maybe make this an annual event.