At the last few events I've atttended some friends of mine have given me some flak about never painting anything new. (A busy military spouse, two little boys, and a part time job leave me with very few hobby hours...) As I plan on making the trip back to Kublacon this May for the West Coast Nationals, I decided it was the time to finally get a new army on the table, a Panzerkompanie from the Führer Begleit Brigade PDF. This list would finally let me get some of the new Late War toys on the table for the Germans, as I will center my list around Panzer IV/70 A, Panzer IV J, and a platoon of Panzerfaust/MG equipped Panzerfusiliers. At 1420 points I can't quite get one of my favorite units into the list, a platoon of three StuH 42s. The list:
HQ- Panzer IV/70 A, Otto Remer, Sd Kfz 251/1D
Panzer Platoon- Panzer IV/70 A (x3)
Panzer Platoon- Panzer IV J (x4)
Panzerfusilier Platoon- Sd Kfz 251/17 D, Sd Kfz 251/1 D (x3), Panzerfaust/MG (x7)
Panzerspäh Platoon- Sd Kfz 231 (x2)
Rocket Launcher Battery- SMG, Observer, 15cm NW41 (x3), Kubelwagen (x2), Sd Kfz 11 (x3)
Everything is CV except the recon, which is CT, everything except the rockets have the Guards rule, allowing re-rolls to platoon morale, and Remer gives any platoon he leads 2+ Stormtrooper, 2+ to hit in Assault, and 3+ motivation. The Panzer IV/70s give me plenty of AT 14, the Panzer IVs act as a nice medium tank platoon, and the Panzerfusiliers, led by Remer is an assault machine. It even has recon and smoke! The big downsides are that it's only five platoons, and could use a third armored platoon. (At higher points totals I can add those StuH 42s!)
So far, I've assembled the vehicles and they're almost ready for primer. I still need to strip some of the 251/1s that I aquired in a trade and trim the mold lines from the infantry.
All five platoons, and I may do some objectives if I have time. |
This will be an Ardennes army, I got the planen rain covers for the 251s from Heer46, though they're a little small. I think they were designed to fit the earlier 251 C model. I'll need to use some putty to fit them. The tracks that came with the Panzer IV/70s were in pretty rough condition so I used some plastic tracks from the Panzer IVs. Had to trim some stowage, but they fit perfectly otherwise. |
I will be using some of the winter gun crew for the nebelwerfers, but I'll need to do some conversions on them to hold rockets. I'm contemplating putting canvas roofs on the Kubelwagens, but it might be more trouble than it's worth. |
I have about twelve weeks to get these all painted and based.