There was a Late War 105 point event on the USS Hornet last month, four rounds over two days so that we all had a chance to check out the museum. I brought an Armored Panzergrenadier list and didn't expect much out of it, since I had only played once since the pandemic hit.
Here's my list:
In Round One I faced a British force with six Churchill Crocodiles and a bunch of Achilles.
My opponent ran the Crocs up and sat in front of my troops and blasted flamethrowers at me until I died. I was able to destroy the Universal Carriers.
I tried to get flank shots, since nothing in my army could kill them, but it wasn't happening. 1-8 loss. |
Crocodiles are never fun to face, and even less so when only your Panthers can kill them and they never arrive from reserve. Round Two was against a Finnish all-infantry force.
Finns preparing for an assault. 1-8 loss, but I felt better about it. |
I managed to hold out for a bit, but once they unpinned it was repeated assaults from multiple angles. Again, my reserves failed arrive in time to matter. Round Three saw me matched up against a very new player with US Rifles.
My infantry were aggressive, and I was able to do some damage against the Rifles in the center. |
The Marders managed to keep the M10s busy from long range. |

My opponent's main attack came at my artillery and PaKs, but I held them off. Time was called as my reserves arrived, 2-2 draw. |
If I had gotten more than four turns I feel like I could've gotten a win in this one, but it wasn't to be...
In Round Four I faced another Finnish army, this time with mostly tanks.
Panthers holding the center, while the infantry advance. |
For the first time all weekend I didn't have reserves, and it showed. The Panthers went to work, destroying T-34/85s at range, and T-26s up close as they tried to flank. Casualties were high on both sides, but I finally got a win, 4-3.
The event was fantastic, and I never expected to do very well. Panthers are overpriced in V4 and I only brought them because my Panzer IV/70s weren't painted yet, but the rest of the list did ok. I learned that you need to have a good plan for reserves, and a plan for killing Crocs, but this game continues to feel like a giant Rock-Paper-Scissors match.
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