Six of us came to check out a newish shop (to us, anyways) and were able to get a few games of Flames of War in, 110 points of Late War. I wanted to try out a Bagration Panzer IV list and Wyn had some US Armor. We rolled up a Fighting Withdrawl with the Americans defending. Nothing is painted yet, apologies!
Panzer IVs concentrate on the left side of the board, but it is heavily mined.
My Panzergrenadiers and some supporting units converge on the town, but the entry is mined as well. |
The infantry manage to get into the town, but become Pinned Down for the next five turns! (They just wouldn't roll a 4+) and the attack stalls. The 2cm Flak and some supporting artillery put tons of fire, into the Americans, but it isn't enough by itself. |
Wyn's large platoon of 76mm-armed Shermans come from Ambush and deal some serious damage, but eventually the Panzer IVs get them. The other Shermans nearby get the rest of my Panzers though! |
Wyn was able to hold my attack off, though I feel like I had a chance. I've never tried Late War armor before and thought it might be fun, and I wasn't disappointed! The game was pretty even, and if my troops could have unpinned I would have had a chance to capture the game.
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